# Getting started


This tutorial will be using typescript You can learn a bit about typescript in their typescript in 5 minutes tutorial.

# Installation

You can grab this from npm

yarn add bomjs
# or
npm install bomjs

Then import it into your project

// ESNext / Typecript
import { getForecast /* Anything else */ } from 'bomjs'

// CommonJS / standard node
const { getForecast /* Anything else */ } = require('bomjs')

# Getting observations

There are two indexing systems for grabbing forecasts. You can either use WMO or BOMID. These are internal naming systems from BOM (More documentation needed).

import { getObservationsWMO, getObservationsBOMID, IObservation, States } from '../dist/app'

// WMO
const data: IObservation = await getObservationsWMO(94768, States.NSW)

const data: IObservation = await getObservationsBOMID(69017, States.NSW)

Each of these functions will return an object that complies with the IObservation interface.